category: nonecategory 01-05-2023

Antimicrobial properties of Pediococcus stilesii isolated from whole wheat flour sourdough

Pediococcus stilesii is a lactic acid bacteria (LAB) that is commonly isolated from sourdough starters and other fermented foods. Recent studies have shown that P. stilesii has antimicrobial properties that make it a promising candidate for use in food preservation.

One study in particular, published in the journal Food Microbiology, investigated the antimicrobial properties of P. stilesii isolated from whole wheat flour sourdough. The researchers found that the bacterium produced several compounds with antimicrobial activity, including organic acids like lactic acid and acetic acid, as well as bacteriocins, which are peptides that can kill or inhibit the growth of other bacteria.

The study also found that P. stilesii was particularly effective at inhibiting the growth of pathogenic bacteria like Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella enterica, and Escherichia coli. This suggests that P. stilesii could be used as a natural preservative in food products to help prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.

In addition to its antimicrobial properties, P. stilesii is also known for its ability to produce flavor compounds that contribute to the characteristic taste and aroma of sourdough bread. This makes it an attractive option for use in the production of sourdough bread and other fermented foods.


