category: nonecategory 01-05-2023

Effect of barley beta-glucan on some rheological properties of wheat flour

Barley beta-glucan is a soluble fiber that is derived from barley grains. It has been shown to have several health benefits, including lowering cholesterol levels and improving glycemic control. In recent years, there has been growing interest in using barley beta-glucan as an ingredient in wheat flour to improve its nutritional profile and functional properties.

Barley beta-glucan is a soluble fiber found in barley grains that has been shown to have several potential health benefits, including lowering cholesterol levels and improving blood glucose control. In addition to its health benefits, barley beta-glucan may also have an effect on the rheological properties of wheat flour.

Several studies have investigated the effect of barley beta-glucan on the rheological properties of wheat flour. One study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that adding barley beta-glucan to wheat flour increased dough extensibility and decreased dough resistance, indicating a softer and more elastic dough. However, the researchers noted that the effect was dependent on the concentration of barley beta-glucan added and the type of wheat flour used.

Another study published in the Journal of Cereal Science found that incorporating barley beta-glucan into wheat flour increased dough viscosity, which can affect the workability of the dough during mixing and shaping. The researchers also observed that the addition of barley beta-glucan resulted in a decrease in loaf volume and an increase in crumb hardness.

Overall, these studies suggest that the effect of barley beta-glucan on the rheological properties of wheat flour is complex and depends on several factors, including the concentration of barley beta-glucan added, the type of wheat flour used, and the processing conditions used to make the bread. Further research is needed to fully understand the impact of barley beta-glucan on bread-making quality.


